Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

X-Construction (Android Game)

If you’ve played any physics style games before such as World of Goo or Spaghetti Marshmellows, then you will be semi familiar with how X Construction works.  In this game your mission is to get the train from the left side of the tracks to the right side.  As you can see below in the screenshot, you build supports so the train doesn’t crash and kill everyone aboard.
In the top left of the screen is the go button to try out your creation, the girder button in the top right allows you to place the girders and tells you how many you have left and the wrench allows you remove any girder that you’ve placed by selecting it.  Below that are the undo, zoom in, and zoom out buttons.  If you look at the above image closely enough you can notice that there is a white dot grid in the background.  Those are the different points you can extend the girders to.
While X Construction is a simple android game, its a lot of fun and we wasted 45 minutes playing the sucker without even realizing it.  You can check out our review video below of the game in action and if you want to get playing right now just hit up the QR Code below.  Have a favorite game you want to see reviewed on here or are you a developer who wants to get their title featured? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll lend a hand.
Features we’d love to see in the next release:
  • Ability to build the track to go up or down, not just straight across
  • Ability to create X number of anchor points per stage/level
  • Have the start point and end points at different height levels so teh builder has to either slow the train down or speed it up to reach the goal
  • Have placing the end of the girders/pylons follow your finger rather than being directly under it so you can place the ends better
  • Put ads somewhere else like a corner
DOWNLOAD X-Construction

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